

Dr. Alauddin bin Sidal was appointed as a Board Member of Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO) on 17April 2020. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Creative and Descriptive Writing, University of Malaya (1986), Master of Arts (Sociology), National University of Malaysia (1996) and Ph.D Degree in Community Development, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (2006). He also holds a Post-Graduate Diploma in Public Administration, INTAN (1987) and a Graduate Certificate in International Management, University of Melbourne (2007).

He started his service as Assistant Secretary in the Ministry of Education on  2 January 1986. He then served as Assistant Director in the Public Service Department, and later in the Perlis State Economic Planning Unit.

He was then appointed as a Senior Deputy Director in the Planning, Research and Corporate Affairs Division of the Public Services Department from Sept 2011 to Feb 2013. Alauddin Sidal was then appointed Deputy Director General (Development) of the National Housing Department until November 7, 2019. Currently, he is the Deputy Secretary-General (Domestic Trade Development), Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs.

In the field of writing, he has published four books: Dorongan Dalam Organisasi (2002), Kerja Berpasukan Dalam Organisasi (2004), Semerah Darah Seputih Tulang: Patriotisme Merentas Kehidupan (2014) and Inovasi Sosial: Konsep, Model dan Cadangan Pelaksanaan (2016). He has also written articles and case studies for newspapers, papers, journals and books, and has been a published editor while working at INTAN.

Dr Alauddin Sidal received the Setia Mahkota Selangor (S.M.S) in 2009 and Johan Setia Mahkota (J.S.M) in 2015.
