Press Releases
No. |
Matter | Corresponding provision under the Trademarks Act 2019 | Corresponding provision under the Trademarks Regulations 2019 | Fee Code | Fees (RM) |
Model Form |
Pending* | Registered* |
1. | Application for preliminary advice and search | 13(2) | – | TMA1 | – | 250 (for each class) |
TMA1 | TMA1 | |
2. | Application for registration of trademark—
(a) Ordinary trademark (b) Shape of goods or their packaging (c) Other types of trademark: sound, scent, hologram, positioning, sequence of motion, colour (d) Collective Mark (e) Certification Mark |
17(2) | 7(1) | TMA2A | – | 950 (for each class – by adopting from the pre-approved list) |
TMA2 | TMA2 | |
TMA2B | – | 1100 (for each class – without adopting from pre-approved list) |
Series of trademark for the second and each subsequent trademark (maximum of 6) | 38(1) | TMA2C | – | 50 (for each trademark) |
3. | Filing of rules of collective mark or certification mark |
5(1) of the First Schedule and Second Schedule 6(2) of the First Schedule and Second Schedule |
54(1) | TMA3 | – | 300 (for each class) |
TMA3 | TMA3 | |
4. | Request for expedited examination of a trademark application | 17(5) | 8(1) | TMA4 | – | 1000 (for each class) |
TMA4 | TMA4 | |
5. | Application for division of an application or registered trademark | 37(2) | 39(1) or 41(1) | TMA5 | TMA5 | 300 (for each application) |
TMA5 | TMA5 | |
6. | Application for merger of application or registered trademark | 38(2) | 43(3) | TMA6 | TMA6 | 100 (for each application) |
TMA6 | TMA6 | |
7. | Application for—
(a) amendment of application of trademark on the representation of the trademark (b) alteration of registered trademark on the representation of the trademark |
33(2), 42(2) | 20(1), 22(1), 48(1) | TMB1 | TMB1 | 140 (for each application) |
TMB1 | TMB1 | |
8. | Application for —
(a) restriction of goods or services or other matters (b) amendment of goods or services or other matters (c) correction of goods or services or other matters |
32(1), 33(2), 43(1), (2) | 6(1) 7(1) /
76(7)(b) 18(1) |
TMB2 | TMB2 | 100 (for each application) |
TMB2 | TMB2 | |
9. | Application for amendment of rules of collective trademark or certification trademark |
6(4) of the First Schedule and Second Schedule 8(1) of First Schedule and Second Schedule |
54(2) or 56(1) | TMB3 | TMB3 | 140 (for each application) |
TMB3 | TMB3 | |
10. | Application for—
(a) amendment of name or address of applicant (b) correction of name or address of registered proprietor (c) correction of name, address or description of licensee |
33(2), 43(1) and 43(2) | 51(1) | TMB4 | TMB4 | 20 (for each application) |
TMB4 | TMB4 | |
11. | Request to amend documents | 152(1) | – | TMB5A
20 (for each class) |
12. | Application to the Registrar for hearing | 29(5)(a) or 45(7) | 17(1)(a)(ii), 19(1)(a)(ii) or 70(7)(a)(ii) | TMC1 | TMC1 | 150 (for each class) |
TMC1 | TMC1 | |
13. | Request for—
(a) grounds of decision under subregulation 41(2); |
– | 15(2), 17(6)(a) or 70(11)(a) | TMC2 | 250 | TMC2 | TMC2 | ||
(b) grounds of decision of total provisional refusal; | – | TMC3
TMC4 |
1000 | TMC3 | TMC3 | ||||
(c) grounds of decision of revocation by Registrar under paragraph 94(9)(a) | TMC5 | TMC5 | 250 (for each class) |
TMC5 | TMC5 | ||||
14. | Notice of opposition against—
(a) the registration of a trade mark, collective mark or certification mark; |
35(1), subparagraph 6(8) and 8(3) of the First Schedule and Second Schedule of the Act | 23(1), 72(1) | TMD1 | 950 (for each class) |
TMD1 | TMD1 | ||
15. | (b) an amendment of an application for registration of a trade mark which has been published, where the amendment affects the representation of the trade mark or the restriction affects the goods or services covered by the application for registration; | 32/33 | 21(1)/22(2) | TMD2 | 600 (for each class) |
TMD2 | TMD2 | ||
16. | (c) an application to amend the regulations governing the use of a registered collective mark or certification mark; | 8(3) of the First Schedule and Second Schedule | 57(1) | TMD3 | TMD3 | 600 (for each class) |
TMD3 | TMD3 | |
17. | (d) change of classification by Registrar; | 157(4) | 47(1) | TMD4 | TMD4 | 600 (for each class) |
TMD4 | TMD4 | |
18. | (e) correction of protected international registration designating Malaysia | 75(1) | 91(1) | TMD5 | TMD5 | 600 (for each class) |
TMD5 | TMD5 | |
19. | Filing of a counterstatement | 35(4) | 24(1) or 73(1) | TMD6 | TMD6 | 350 (for each class) |
TMD6 | TMD6 | |
20. | Renewal | 39(4) | – | TME1 | TME1 | 1000 (for each class) |
TME1 | TME1 | |
Request for late renewal | 39(5) | – | TME2 | TME2 | 1200 (for each class) |
TME2* | TME2* | ||
Request for restoration | 39(9) | – | TME3 | TME3 | 1500 (for each class) |
TME3* | TME3* | ||
21. | Application to voluntarily cancel registered trademark or registration in relation to certain goods or services | 44(1) | 50(1) | TMF1 | TMF1 | 20 (for each class) |
TMF1 | TMF1 | |
22. | Application for:
(a) Correction of Register by Court Order; |
43(5), 46, 47 or 143 | 52 | TMF2 | TMF2 | 300 (for each class) |
TMF2 | TMF2 | |
(b) Revocation of registration by Court Order; | 46 | 52 | TMF3 | TMF3 | 300 (for each class) |
TMF3 | TMF3 | ||
(c) Invalidation of registration by Court; | 47 | 52 | TMF4 | TMF4 | 300 (for each class) |
TMF4 | TMF4 | ||
(d) Certificate of validity; | 143 | 95(2) | TMF5 | TMF5 | 300 (for each class) |
TMF5 | TMF5 | ||
(e) Any other Court Order; | 140(3) | 52 | TMF6 | TMF6 | 100 (for each class) |
TMF6 | TMF6 | ||
23. | Notification of any application or appeal to Court | 140(1) | 51(1) | TMG1 | TMG1 | 20 (for each class) |
TMG1 | TMG1 | |
24. | Filing of complaint to Assistant Controller of Trade Descriptions
through Electronic Filing System |
112(1) | – | TMG2 | TMG2 | 10 (for each application) |
TMG2 | TMG2 | |
25. | Application for Registrar’s Verification (The request for the Registrar’s Verification shall be supported by a statutory declaration exhibiting the evidence of the use of the trademark which is not identical with the registered trademark on the goods or services) | 112(3) | – | TMG3 | TMG3 | 500 (for each class) |
TMG3 | TMG3 | |
26. | Application to register or notify the Registrar the particulars of assignment or transmission | 65 or 67 | – | TMH1 | TMH1 | 300 (for each application) |
TMH1 | TMH1 | |
27. | Application to register or notify the Registrar the particulars of license or sub-license | 65 or 67 | – | TMH2 | TMH2 | 100 (for each class) |
TMH2 | TMH2 | |
28. | Application to register or notify the Registrar the particulars of security interest or charge | 65 or 67 | – | TMH3 | TMH3 | 300 (for each application) |
TMH3 | TMH3 | |
29. | Application for amendment or termination of a license, sub-license, security interest or charge | 65 or 67 | – | TMH2A (For license & sub-license) | TMH2A
(For license & sub-license) |
50 (for each application) |
TMH2A | TMH2A | |
TMH3A (For security interest & charge) | TMH3A
(For security interest & charge) |
TMH3A | TMH3A | ||||||
30. | Filing of request for form or document certified true copy by Registrar | 144 | – | TMJ1 | TMJ1 | 10 (for each page) |
TMJ1 | TMJ1 | |
31. | Filing of request for certified and sealed by Registrar printed, written copies or extracts of or from the Register | 15(2) and 145(1) | – | TMJ2 | TMJ2 | 10 (for each page) |
TMJ2 | TMJ2 | |
32. | Filing of request for certificate purporting to be under the hand of the Registrar | 145(3) | 116(1) | TMJ3 | TMJ3 | 140 (for each class) |
TMJ3 | TMJ3 | |
33. | Application for certificate of registration | 36(4) | 36 or 48(4) | – | TMJ4 | 50 (for each application) |
TMJ4 | TMJ4 | |
34. | Request for extension of time | 153(1) | 59(2) | TMK1 | TMK1 | 50 (for each application) |
TMK1 | TMK1 | |
For opposition proceeding; | – | 32(1) | TMK2 | TMK2 | 200 (per month) | TMK2 | TMK2 | ||
For other than opposition proceeding | – | 59(2) | TMK3 | TMK3 | 100 (per month) | TMK3 | TMK3 | ||
35. | Application to treat documents as confidential | 156 | – | TML1 | TML1 | 10 (for each application) |
TML1 | TML1 | |
36. | Application to revoke treatment of confidentiality documents | 156 | – | TML2 | TML2 | 10 (for each application) |
TML2 | TML2 | |
37. | Request for refund of fee of filing the application for registration of trademark | 13(4) | 16(2) | TMM1 | – | 20 (for each class) |
TMM1 | TMM1 | |
38. | Application of adaptation of entries in the Register to new classification | 157(3)(a) | – | TMN1 | TMN1 | 20 (for each class) |
TMN1 | TMN1 | |
39. | Filing of documents manually
(This fee shall not be applicable when the Registrar imposes suspension of the electronic filing system) |
162(2)(a) | – | TMN2 | TMN2 | 2 (for each page) |
– | – | |
40. | Withdrawal of application | 32(1) or (2) | 20(1) | TMP1 | – | 20 (for each application) |
TMP1 | TMP1 | |
41. | Application for deferment of examination of an application or opposition proceeding | 29(7) or 35(9) | 35(1) | TMP2 | TMP2 | 300 (for each application) |
TMP2 | TMP2 | |
42. | Application to restrict on importation of infringing goods | 82(2) | – | – | TMP3 | 330 (for each application) |
TMP3 | TMP3 | |
43. | Request for reinstatement of application, rights or thing | 153(1) | – | TMQ1 | TMQ1 | 300 (for each application) |
TMQ1 | TMQ1 | |
44. | Request to deposit security for cost for opposition or border measures | 35(13) and 83 | – | TMQ2 | TMQ2 | 20 (for each application) |
TMQ2 | TMQ2 | |
45. | Application for the Trademark Agent Examination | 97(1) | – | TMR1 | TMR1 | 500 | TMR1 | TMR1 | |
46. | Application to be registered as a trademark agent | 97(1) | 111(1) or 112(1) | TMR2 | TMR2 | 1350 | TMR2 | TMR2 | |
47. | Application for renewal of registration as a trademark agent | 97(1) and 162(2)(g) | – | TMR3 | TMR3 | 300 | TMR3 | TMR3 | |
48. | Application for voluntary cancellation of registration of trademark agent | 97(2)(b) and 162(2)(g) | – | TMR4 | TMR4 | 20 | TMR4 | TMR4 | |
49. | Application for deferment of renewal of registration of trademark agent | 162(2)(g) | – | TMR5 | TMR5 | 500 | TMR5 | TMR5 | |
50. | Application for change of name or address of service of registered trademark agent | 97(2)(c) | – | TMR6 | TMR6 | 20 | TMR6 | TMR6 | |
51. | Application for—
(a) to add an address for service of any person (b) appointment of agent’s authority (c) termination of registered trademark agent’s authority |
95(1) and (3) | – | TMR7 | TMR7 | 20 (for each application) |
TMR7 | TMR7 | |
52. | Notice of intention to cease to act on behalf of an applicant, registered proprietor or any person | 95(4) | – | TMR8 | TMR8 | 10 (for each application) |
TMR8 | TMR8 | |
53. | Notification of death of a registered trademark agent to the Registrar | 97(2)(d) | – | TMR9 | TMR9 | NIL | TMR9 | TMR9 | |
54. | Appeal for re-scrutiny of result of examination of trademarks agent | 162(1)(g) | – | TMR10 | TMR10 | 100 (For each paper) |
TMR10 | TMR10 | |
55. | Request to conduct public inspection | 15(1) | – | – | – | 20 (for each hour) |
56. | Application for request of information
Permitted information upon request (Hit List) |
146 | – | – | – |
100(for up to 10 pages) and 5 (for each subsequent page) |
57. | General form for transitional matters: | – | – | – | – | Electronic filing before 27 December 2019 (for each class) | Manual Filing before 27 December 2019 (for each class) |
a) Insufficient of— | – | – | – | ||||||
(i) the renewal fee; | 177(2) | – | TMQ3A | TMQ3B | 450 | 400 | TMQ3A, TMQ3B | TMQ3A, TMQ3B | |
(ii) the renewal fee and surcharge; | – | TMQ4A | TMQ4B | 650 | 600 | TMQ4A, TMQ4B | TMQ4A, TMQ4B | ||
(iii) the renewal fee and restoration; | – | TMQ5A | TMQ5B | 950 | 900 | TMQ5A, TMQ5B | TMQ5A, TMQ5B | ||
b) Conversion of pending application; | 174(2) | TMQ6 | – | 600 (for each class) |
TMQ6 | TMQ6 | |||
c) Amendment of assignment under the repealed Act; | 171(4) | – | TMQ7 | 100 (for each application) |
TMQ7 | TMQ7 | |||
d) Amendment of Registered User to Licensing; | 172(4) | – | TMQ8 | 50 (for each application) |
TMQ8 | TMQ8 | |||
58. | Trademarks (Waiver Or Modification Of Fee) Regulations 2020
Application For Waiver Or Modification Of Fee |
– | – | – | – |
– |
59. | General Form For Additional Fee | – | – | TMQ9A
– |
RM150 (for each class) RM950 (for each class) RM1100(for each class) RM25 (for each appl.) RM120 (for each appl.) RM30 (for each appl.) RM40 |
60. | General Form For Additional Fee | – | – | TMEQ1 TMEQ2 TMEQ3 |
– |
RM200/each class |
Notes : * The New Act shall apply where the renewal of existing registered marks falls due on 27/12 /2019 onwards.
Form No. | Matter | Corresponding provision under Trademarks Regulations 2019 |
Fee Code |
Fee (RM) |
MP1 | Handling fee for filing of an international application | 61(4) | TMMP1 | 200 (for each application) |
MP2 | Request for processing of the divisional request | 81(a) | TMMP2 | 300 (for each application) |
MP3 | Request for processing of the request for merger | 86(a) | TMMP3 | 100 (for each application) |
MP4 | Request to transform an international registration into national application(s) | 104(2) | TMMP4 | 950 (for each application) |
MP5 | Application to record replacement of registered trademark with national registration | 107(5) | TMMP5 | 100 (for each application) |
Form | Matter |
TM1 | Form of authorization and request to enter, alter or substitute an address for service | TM1 | TM1 |
TM5A | Request for approval for expedited examination of a trade mark application | TM5A | TM5A |
TM5B | Request for expedited examination of a trade mark application | TM5B | TM5B |
TM26 | Request for correction of a clerical error in an application or for permission to otherwise amend an application for registration | TM26 | TM26 |
TM27 | Application for extension of time | TM27 | TM27 |
TM13 | Application for late renewal of registration of a trade mark | TM13** | TM13** |
TM14 | Application for restoration and renewal of registration | TM14** | TM14** |
TM28 | Application for rectification or alteration of the register | TM28 | TM28 |
TM31 | Request for advertisement of a trade mark | TM31 | TM31 |
Notes: ** The repealed Act shall continue to apply for existing registered marks where its renewal falls due before 27/12/2019 .
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